50-Minute Coaching Call

The greatest journeys can begin with one conversation. And, today honest conversations between men are far too rare. Sometimes you just want to talk to someone who's been in the trenches and understands the battle, and just one call can make all the difference in the world to the man on the front line who can't see a way forward through the fog.

Your 50-minute conversation with me (Ken) will give you clarity on what the next steps will look like in your journey to becoming the man you know you can be.

I know exactly what it's like to feel trapped in the life that someone else defines for you. To believe that there is more inside, but a guide or tools to discover just what that it.

For you, it may be a long-standing addiction, a marriage in crisis, or simply a proverbial wall you've hit, or it could be all of that and more. The challenges men face are as unique as they are, but the path to discovering the man you were designed to be is common to all of us.

Our call will break the deadlock you've been facing and provide you with the perspective to decide whether the Solid Man Process is right for you. And, even if it isn't, I guarantee it will be more valuable than just our time together on the call.

Here's What You Can Expect

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    You will have everything you need to decide what your next steps need to be and how to take them.

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    You will have clear understanding if the Solid Man® Process is the right fit for you at this point in your journey

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    You will have clear understanding whether the Solid Man® Process is the right fit for you at this point in your journey

Ken has worked with hundreds of men which gives him the insight to get straight to the issues that may be keeping you bound. Your 50-minute call will go deeper than you may expect. Don't sign up for a casual chat, but be ready to do some work, to begin to see through the haze, and start to engage the journey of a lifetime.

Schedule an Introductory Solid Man Call

50-minute Introductory Coaching Session


Reserve a 50-minute introductory one-to-one coaching session with Ken Curry. This Solid Man coaching call is a customized discovery process of to explore the equipping and training you will need to become a Solid Man. You must do this for you, not for a woman or anyone else. You must want it for you. Get started today!

I use Zoom for online sessions so we can have a face-to-face conversation no matter where in the world you are located.

Schedule a Focused Solid Man Call

50-minute Coaching Session


Reserve a 50-minute one-to-one coaching session with Ken Curry. Each Solid Man coaching call is a customized process of equipping, training and practicing the skills you need to become a Solid Man. You must do this for you, not for a woman or anyone else. You must want it for you. Get started today!

I use Zoom for online sessions so we can have a face-to-face conversation no matter where in the world you are located.

Contact Us at Solid Man

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