Emotions have always been a mystery to men.

The messages we get tell us that emotions are weak, irrational and misguided. We are told to ignore them. We are belittled for feeling deeply, for expressing anger or deeper emotions like sadness, insecurity, grief or vulnerability. No matter what, we are screwed.

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There are many men who find themselves “sucked” into porn. They don’t intend or want to do it, it is as though they keep getting drawn into it. Since it feels somewhat powerless to stop, it becomes a source of shame and embarrassment. Shame begins to take down confidence and vigor.

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 A Solid Man is intentional. He lives on purpose. He knows what he needs to do in order to get what he wants. He humbly acknowledges that he is not where he wants to be and so he engages in the practices to get him moving toward his goals. Think of the best athletes in…

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In the history of humanity, the search for the meaning of life has taken many paths. Part of being human actually requires that we ask questions about life and ponder meaning. To feel human, to feel alive we must develop meaning in our lives. However, most men have lost meaning and even the search for…

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Power is a significant concept in the world of a Solid Man. Relational power has been at the center of the conversation for many years. A man must have a good understanding of power if he is to learn how to live as a Solid Man.

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The journey into Solid Masculinity requires five significant changes in your life. Some of these changes may be already happening, others may be yet to come. To forge your solidness you must begin to shift five things in your life. There is one primary shift which is foundational to the four other important shifts. Let’s look at an overview of these shifts.

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