Power and Manhood

Power is a significant concept in the world of a Solid Man. Relational power has been at the center of the conversation for many years. A man must have a good understanding of power if he is to learn how to live as a Solid Man.

A Solid Man has the goal to become the most powerful man he can be, so that he can love others well from a position of strength.

Traditional Model; Power Over

The traditional model of power is from pre-1960. This model of relational power is defined as male, authoritarian, control and power “over”. Patriarchy is described as a male dominated household where male headship was perceived to increase for a functioning society. Many of us experienced this power and have bent our hearts against it. American society as a whole has set itself against this for the most part. This type of power eventually diminishes everyone involved.

Limited or 50/50 Model; Power Equality

From 1960 to the present the 50/50 model has been the norm. This was the result of a deep reaction to the traditional patriarchy model of power over. This model of power seeks to find a balance where both partners are able to attain to 50% of the power. This is a limited view of power which precludes the fact that there is 100% of power to be distributed. Depending on the dynamics of the relationship, the power was given, taken, collaborated or shared. But it was always limited by 50%. If one partner was to begin to increase beyond 50% homeostasis mechanisms bring balance. Since a man has been designed to live freely and intentionally with strength, this model deflates his soul. Women experience much more power here than with the traditional model, however most are realizing they are not living fully.

Abundance Model; Power For

We are presently in a time of transition where some are beginning to recognize the limitations of both the traditional and limited models of power. In the quest to limit patriarchal structures and balance relational power, strength in the relationship has been limited as well. The abundance model suggests that there is plenty of power to go around and as each partner is empowered, the others power is increased as well. This model is defined by a posture where the powerful partner’s power is “for” the other; not over. Each partner empowers and never diminishes the other. Both men and women thrive as they live more abundantly by empowering themselves and each other.

A Solid Man believes his power exists for his own benefit and the benefit of others. He has the goal to become the most powerful man he can be, so that he can love others well from a position of strength. He practices abundant power “for”.


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